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An Intermediate Guide In Kia Picanto Spare Key

페이지 정보

작성자 Micheline 작성일24-07-05 16:14 조회2회 댓글0건


Why You Should Have a Kia Spare Key

It's a good idea to have an extra key if you and your partner share the same vehicle. You'll spare yourself a lot of frustration.

310762719_174097598533869_20158890896258You can easily get an extra key for the Kia in the parts department. You will need to bring the original key as well as your ID card. The dealer must program the new key.

Lost Keys

You'll have to replace your Kia keys if you lose it. You can either go to the dealership or call a locksmith. You can save money by choosing to replace your keys using an locksmith. Dealerships charge a lot for their services, but locksmiths compete and offer lower rates.

You can also save money if buy your spare key from an online retailer. You will save even more if you purchase the key that is reusable and not programmable. You can also buy a spare key at your local hardware store.

A transponder chip can be a useful feature to have in your Kia key. This helps prevent thefts as thieves can't start your vehicle. The transponder sends a unique number to the dashboard receiver. If the code cannot be recognized and the engine does not start. If you have lost your keys, look for the chip to get a new one.

In some cases the ignition cylinder will require replacement, not just the key. This is usually the situation with older 2014 kia sportage key fob cars that have an ignition cylinder that is keyed. In these cases the dealer will not be able to provide you with a key, and will require you to have the cylinder of ignition changed.


It can be frustrating being locked out, especially when it happens at the wrong time. There are ways to escape the situation. Contact a locksmith that is specialized in Kias. They'll be able to assist you quickly and offer mobile service.

If your car has an older keyed ignition, a locksmith could make you a metal key which can be used to open and lock the doors manually. This is less expensive to purchase a new Kia key fob. It is also possible to use this key to start your car even if you don't have an ignition system that is push-button.

Certain car manufacturers offer a remote unlocking service that will unlock your car even if you don't have your key in the ignition, or even if the doors are closed. But, it is recommended to check with the manufacturer before using this option. This service should be used in a secure area.

Another option is to get in touch with a locksmith who specializes in Kia automobiles. They can assist you with getting back into your vehicle if the key you have lost is damaged. They can also replace the key fob if needed. They can also program the new key to your vehicle. They can also help to identify if the key fob battery is dead.

Broken Keys

Modern Kias come with advanced electronics designed to prevent car theft. They have immobilizers and transponders that stop your vehicle from starting if it does not have the proper key. The good news is that an expert locksmith can modify your Kia to accept new keys and block out old ones. This will save you money and time by not needing to have your vehicle towed.

These new remote controlled keys for cars, despite the advanced features, are just as prone to breaking as their metal counterparts of the past. They can be dropped and mishandled, resulting into them becoming brittle or losing the key fob's chip. Luckily, the new Kia key fobs are much less expensive than their predecessors, making it easy to replace them in the event that yours fails.

You can purchase a kia key case - www.blueoceanpower.Co.th - at any Kia retailer, or even on the internet. It's not a substitute key fob for the broken one, as it does not have the chip. To replace the Kia's key fob, will need to consult an expert locksmith.

Take the key out of the ignition. If the head of the key is not damaged, you might be being able to slide a fine, rigid wire on its side to pull it. Paperclips are great for this, since they are small enough to fit inside the lock. If the wire is difficult to grasp, try bending its ends slightly down to increase the surface area in contact with the broken key fragment.

Transponder Chip

The latest Kia cars come with a security feature known as a transponder. These chips are embedded into the head of the car's keys and broadcast a unique number that uniquely identifies the car when activated. The immobilizer can't permit you to start the engine or turn on the ignition without the code.

When you insert the key into the ignition the dashboard transmitter transmits a low level radio signal to the chip transponder, with a unique serial number. The chip then sends a signal to the dashboard receiver which allows you to turn on your car. This is similar to the way military planes use coded messages to differentiate themselves from radar screens.

This technology makes it much more difficult for thieves steal your car because the keys only function only when they're properly programmed. If you need a replacement for your transponder key, you can go to a dealer or an auto locksmith.

KeyLab-1-e1658690716312-300x146.pngHowever, be aware that dealerships charge more than a locksmith, so it's best to go with a locksmith for your replacement. The locksmith can cut a new key and may also be in a position to program the key to initiate and lock or unlock commands. You can purchase an electronic key fob from your dealer with these features already built-in.


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